12 more days...

OH, do I love a countdown.
Twelve more days and we'll be releasing our brand-spankinest new song, "Spiders Rock"!!!

Why on earth do spiders rock, you may well be wondering. Understandable! 
Most of us consider spiders to be freaky little creepy-crawlies who deserve to be smooshed at the first opportunity.

Not true!

A spider is a fascinating, handy little creature! To quote a line or two from the upcoming song:
"They catch all kinds of bugs and eat 'em up..."
(Like mosquitos that carry freak stuff like malaria and drive you nuts in the summer, and flies who are just gross.)

"A spider can't help the way that it looks to you and me..."
Do you think they have so many legs just to creep you out? Ever heard of not judging a book by its cover? That goes for spiders too, folks!

"The stuff they use to build a web is stronger than anything that we know..."
Seriously, if we could build stuff out of anything similar to spider's silk, nothing would ever fall apart!

But you know what? Don't take my word for it. This site is full of awesome facts about why spiders are so cool. And, listen to the song when it comes out on February 17th and I bet you'll think twice before you squish another spider!

"Next time you see one in the bathtub or the sink, just stop and say hello!"
(Seriously, try it! You'll love the karma.)

Yeeooow to you all!

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